Howard High School of Technology Home


Welcome To Howard HS of Technology

Principal’s Message

Welcome to the Howard High School of Technology website! At Howard, we embrace the concept of “continuous improvement in all that we do” and have adopted it as our focus. As a school, we want to be the best that we can be in all that we do. We are extremely proud of our staff and students whose commitment to excellence has led to many recent awards and recognitions. A few of them are listed here:

- Apple Distinguished School
- Delaware Department of Education Reward and Recognition School
- U.S. News and World Report Bronze Medal School
- Verizon Innovative Learning School

Howard is a truly special school with a rich history that dates back nearly 150 years. Counted among its graduates are many prominent members of the community who’ve enjoyed success in the areas of medicine, law, science, business, athletics, and more. For many of our families, Howard holds a special place in their history as several generations have attended our school. We are proud that so many “legacy students” have chosen Howard over the years and we look forward to many more in the future.

Presently, Howard is a dynamic career and technical high school keenly focused on student success in many areas and ultimately in preparing our students for post-secondary education and careers. Our outstanding teachers and staff strive to provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences in academic and career and technical classes as well as through extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. The combination of committed and talented teachers, first-class facilities, and innovative technology allows our students to receive an education that is second to none!
As for myself, I graduated from the University of Maine with a B.S. in Education and spent seven years as a middle school social studies and science teacher. After receiving a Master's degree from Virginia Tech, an opportunity to serve the community where I grew up presented itself, and I jumped at the opportunity to lead my former middle school. In April of 2023, I successfully defended my dissertation to complete my Doctorate of Educational Leadership at Wilmington University.

It is now a privilege to serve the students, staff, surrounding community, and alumni of this school, as the contributions of all of our stakeholders is what makes Howard High School of Technology the special place that it is. The unique and storied history of Howard echoes through its hallways, and I feel humbled and honored to be able to work to continue the legacy of excellence here.

Please enjoy your visit to our website and contact us if you should have any questions about our school.
Go Wildcats!
Dr. Kyle Hill, Principal
Mr. Kyle Hill
Dr. Kyle Hill
Howard High School of Technology

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 7am - 3pm


Latest News

Student Test Day at Howard for Class of 2029

We are excited to welcome your scholar to Howard High School of Technology! As part of the next steps in their journey, we invite you to attend New Student Test Day on Saturday, April 5th, from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Howard.

Parenting for Resilience Workshop

Howard HS PTSA is sponsoring a Parenting for Resilience Workshop Thursday evening February 20th from 6:30-8pm. You can also join in on zoom! Click to read more and see the flyer!

Remote Learning Day - February 12th, 2025

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 will be a remote learning day for all NCCVT students. Students should check Schoology throughout the day for assignments and any messages from teachers. Office staff members should work from home. Please be safe if you must go out.

After School Activities

ALL after school activities are canceled for today (Tuesday, February 11th). All students should go home at 3pm. In addition, all students should bring home their school devices in case of a schedule change for Wednesday due to forecasted weather. Thanks


Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 7 PM
Location: Howard HS
Get Ahead
  • 14 Different Career Programs
  • 100% Graduates Earn Career Program Certificates
  • 2005 Designated a National Historic Landmark
  • 16 Athletic Teams
  • 120 Business and Industry Partners
  • 6 Consecutive Years an Apple Distinguished School